Regulating Emotions in a Coaching Session
Through powerful questions that help the client reflect on the here and now, the coach plays an important role in facilitating the client's understanding of their own emotions. When it comes to emotions, however, there are two worlds that interact and influence each other through emotional contagion: the world of the coach and the client, with their feelings, their experiences, their biases.
Neurosciences have begun to deal with these topics too, and to observe brain emotional activations during coaching conversations thanks to research conducted with fMRI, offering us interesting contributions on how a coach's self-regulation is one of the fundamental keys to being able to maintain presence during an emotionally challenging coaching session.
Simple exercises will allow us to become more self-aware and do the work of self-regulating, regaining focus and presence for our and the client’s benefit.
Earn 1.5 Core Competency CCEU
Learning outcomes:
· Manage emotions from the coach's perspective
· Identify under which circumstances and for which reasons our own emotions jeopardize coaching presence
· Tools and methods to recognize and transform our own emotions to increase presence
· Focus on some key ICF competencies that are essential for effective coaching
ICF Core Competencies tied to learning:
4 Cultivates Trust and Safety
4.1 Seeks to understand the client within their context which may include their identity, environment, experiences, values and beliefs
4.2 Demonstrates respect for the client’s identity, perceptions, style and language and adapts one’s coaching to the client
5 Maintains Presence
5.2 Demonstrates curiosity during the coaching process
5.3 Manages one’s emotions to stay present with the client
5.4 Demonstrates confidence in working with strong client emotions during the coaching process
5.6 Creates or allows space for silence, pause or reflection
7 Evoke Awareness
7.2 Asks questions about the client, such as their way of thinking, values, needs, wants and beliefs
About the Speaker: Federica Filippino, MCC
Federica Filippino is an ICF Master Certified Coach, (MCC) and partner of the Lead Your Brain coaching firm. Her goal is to support talented leaders to develop a growth mindset and a proper balance between achieving high performance and personal wellbeing. She has over 20 years of experience in facilitating business leaders and international teams to co-build psychologically safe work environments and, for the last 6 years, she has been delivering several development programs using the neuroscience applied to leadership and organizations, in multinational companies in industries such as Pharma, Finance, Manufacturing, Energy and ICT in various languages, English, Spanish, French, and Italian. Before becoming a coach and consultant, she used to work in multinational companies holding business managerial roles in Europe and Japan.
Qualifications and Professional Status
MBA, SAA College, Turin
MSc in Psychology, Arden College, London
Master Certified Coach (MCC), International Coaching Federation (ICF)
The Forton Group Certified Coach, UK (awarded by ICF)
Advanced Diploma in Neuroscience of Leadership and Organizations, Neurocapability, Australia
Diploma in Team Coaching, EEC, Madrid, awarded by ICF
Certifications as Facilitator (DiSC, Hogan, MBTI, Wave)
Masters in Corporate Coaching, awarded by ICF
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