Coaching at the Speed of Thought with Tony Latimer, MCC
Masterful coaching is a fully present, connected and in-the-moment experience. In this session Tony will demonstrate, then explain, how to create a deep subconscious to subconscious connection with your clients for perfect Presence and fast breakthrough.
Earn 1.5 Core Competency CCEU
Based around a coaching demo, this session addresses ICF Competencies 2-8; however, the greatest learning and new insights coaches can expect from this will be going deeper into competencies 3. Establish Agreements, 5. Maintains Presence, 6. Listens Actively and 7. Evokes Awareness
About the Speaker: Tony Latimer, MCC
Tony is a Master Executive Coach, working globally with leaders in transition; to guarantee promotion success for themselves, build effective leadership teams and sustainable rapid organisational change through his Profitable Leadership® framework.
Having his first exposure to coaching in the early 80’s, Tony is at the forefront of defining the applications of coaching in the workplace; is active on ICF global task-forces.
He is piloting one of the first Level 3 MCC training programmes and has a new Level 3 CCE based membership programme delivering advanced masterclasses on The Simplicity of Mastery; pure connected presence.