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MasterClass with Marilyn O'Hearne MA CQ MCC

Tuesday, January 30, 2024, 8:30 AM until 10:00 AM
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Increase Your Impact with CQ: Culturally Intelligent Coaching, Mentor Coaching &
Supervision Demo and Discussion

January 30, 2024 at 8:30am

Do you want:

  • To learn “The Most Important Question to Ask Coaching Clients” (Forbes) for greatest
  • To quickly establish trust, joining your coaching clients at a deep, mastery level?
  • Your “clients to feel fully seen and heard as all their cultural identities are recognized
    and embraced, moving more confidently toward their goals and dreams”?
  • To meet our culturally diverse, global marketplace demand and ICF expectations but
    haven’t been trained in how to integrate cultural intelligence and coaching?
    “90% of leading executives from 68 countries identify intercultural skills as among the
    most important capabilities required to remain competitive.”– Ang, Van Dyne, &
 Join award winning Marilyn O’Hearne, MA MCC, founder of Culturally Intelligent CoachingTM and Mentor Coaching for a Culturally Intelligent Coaching, Mentor

Coaching and Supervision Demonstration and Discussion with Samantha Dye, Marion Garber and Dick Hannasch.

What is Cultural Intelligence? Recognizing and understanding the beliefs, values,
attitudes, rank and behaviors of people (including your own!) with distinct cultural
identities (gender, generation, ethnicity, race, region, ability/disability including
neurodiversity, etc); and then applying that awareness for effective communication,
behavior and partnership.

Where does CQ show up in the ICF competencies? Listen for it in the demos

  1. Ethics: Is sensitive to clients' identity, environment, experiences, values and beliefs.
    Upholding Core Values including Equity; with a commitment to DEIJB, & Code of Ethics.
  2. Coaching Mindset: Remains aware of and open to the influence of context and
    culture on self and others
  3. Trust: Demonstrates respect for the client’s identity, perceptions, style and
    language and adapts one's coaching to the client, acknowledging their uniqueness.
  4. Listening: Considers and integrates the client’s context, identity, environment,
    experiences, values and beliefs (world view) to enhance understanding of what the
    client is communicating.

About the Speaker: Marilyn O'Hearne MA CQ MCC

Marilyn O’Hearne MA MCC embraces all cultural identities as she partners with coaches, leaders and teams to #UnlockALLPotential so all can live in prosperity and peace, her vision. Since 1998, she’s worked in 40 countries across sectors including with the United Nations for 13 years.

As the author of The Coaches Guide to Becoming Culturally Confident, Breaking Free from Bias, co-author of The Successful Mind and contributor to Law and Ethics in Coaching, “The Intersection of Coaching and Ethics,”, Marilyn is a thought leader in cultural intelligence. Forbes “The Question that Changes Everything,” written by a Culturally Intelligent Mentor Coaching + Certificate alumni, cites the impact of Marilyn’s program on her and her clients.

Recognized for her pioneering advocacy for a diverse, inclusive coaching profession as well as integrating coaching and cultural competencies, Marilyn was one of two coaches in 2021 honored with the ICF Circle of Distinction Award. She has delivered countless programs and podcast + interviews, starting at the 2000 ICF Coaching Conference, as well as developing her own Culturally Intelligent programs for coaches and leaders including Culturally Intelligent Coaching™, Mentor Coaching and Coaching SUPERvision.

With her big picture, CQ, systemic approach, her centered listening and honest, compassionate truth telling, trust and fresh perspectives are quickly generated. 

Her service as a leader includes both ICF and ACTO Global boards, the ICF Advance Cultural Competency Advisory Team, serving as an ICF Coaching Ambassador in Latin America and Asia Pacific and as an NGO Director in Brazil. Circle of Distinction members are chosen for their impact on and contributions to ICF, the coaching profession, and social change; thought leadership; as well as their mission, vision, and core values